Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

[43]  "Household Vulnerability and Preparedness for Disasters in Haiti" with Naraya Carrasco, Guillermo Gomez, Marlen Cardona Botero and Olive Nsababera. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (Forthcoming) 

[42] "Fiscal Incidence on the Island: Grenada’s Fiscal System and Its Incidence" with Guillermo Gomez, Fernando Rios, Ran Li, Chevanne Britton and Silvia Granados Social and Economic Studies (Forthcoming)

[41] "The Effects of Crises on Fiscal and Political Re-Centralization" with Pablo Evia Salas and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez. Public Finance Review (Forthcoming)

[40] "Recovering income distribution in the presence of interval-censored data" with Fernando Rios-Avila and Flavia Sacco Capurro. Journal of Economic Inequality (Forthcoming )

[39] "Crime Variability, Peer Effects, and Economic Inequality in Social Networks" with Mateo Velasquez and Alex Lundberg.. Vol 1. Journal of Economic Criminology (2023)

[38] "When do tax amnesties work?" with Huascar Eguino, Soraya Roman and Lorena Heller. Vol. 207. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2023)

[37] "Understanding the Distributional Impacts of Increases in Fuel Prices on Poverty and Inequalituy in Paraguay" with Lyliana Gayosso de Ervin, Juan Jose Galeano and Juan Pablo Baquero. Vol 39 . Latin American Journal of Economic Development. (2023)

[36] "Revisiting Tax Effort in Emerging Markets" with Maria Cecilia Deza, Osmel Manzano, and Alejandro Puerta. Vol. 49. Issue 6, Public Finance Review (2021)

[35] "Outliers in Semi-Parametric Estimation of Treatment Effects" with Luis Castro Peñarrieta and Darwin Ugarte. Vol. 9. Issue 2, Econometrics (2021)

[34] "Can Licensing Induce Productivity? Exploring the IPR Effect" with Luis Castro Peñarrieta. Vol 61 Empirical Economics (2021)

[33] "Analysis of the offshoring network: Empirical evidence of the implied comparative advantage in offshoring" with Cristian Chica and Mery Tamayo. Vol. 30. Issue 1, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (2021)

[32] “Will Elders Provide for their Grandchildren? Unconditional Cash Transfers and Educational Expenditures in Bolivia“ with Alberto Chong, Fernando Rios-Avila and Monica Yañez-Pagans. Vol. 24. Issue 2 Review of Development Economics (2020)

[31] "The Effect of Immigration on Labor Market Transitions of Native-Born Unemployed in the United States with Fernando Rios-Avila. Vol. 41. Issue 3, Journal of Labor Research (2020)

[30]“Two Stories of Wage Dynamics in Latin America: Different Policies, Different Outcomes” with Luis Carlos Carvajal. Vol. 41, Journal of Labor Research (2020)

[29] "Identifying and Disentangling the Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth" with Jorge-Martinez and Bauyrzhan Yedgenov. World Development Vol.127 (2020)

[28] "The Fiscal Policy Response to Public Debt in Developing Countries" with Leanora Brown and Oronde Small. Contemporary Economic Policy Vol. 38, Issue 1 (2020)

[27] “Survey Evidence on the Channels of Black Market Liquor Distribution in Colombia” with Alexander Lundberg and Alejandra Montoya-Agudelo. Advances in Econometrics Vol. 39 (2019)

[26] “Can Intellectual Property Rights Affect Multinational Enterprises’ Entry Modes? The Chilean Case” with Luis Castro Peñarrieta. International Journal of the Economics of Business Vol.26., Issue 1 (2019)

[25] “Flexible Estimation of Demand Systems: A Copula Approach” with Mateo Velasquez-Giraldo, Kim P. Huynh, and David T. Jacho-Chavez. Journal of Applied Econometrics Vol 33., Issue 7 (2018)

[24] "Standard-error correction in two stage optimization models: A quasi-maximum likelihood estimation approach" with Fernando Rios-Avila. Stata Journal Vol 18., Number 1 (2018)

[23] "Unintended Consequences of Conservation: Estimating the Impact of Protected Areas on Violence in Colombia" with Merlin Hanauer and Julian Diaz. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Vol 80., May (2018)

[22] "When Does Economic Growth Reduce Poverty and Strengthen the Middle Class? A State-Level,  Sector-Specific Analysis of Peru" with Michael Jetter and Marcos Robles. Southern Economic Journal Vol. 84 Issue 4 (2018)

[21] “Low Test Scores in Latin America: Poor Schools, Poor Families, or Something Else?” with Theodore Breton. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education Vol.48, Issue 5 (2018)

[20] “Reexamining the Determinants of Fiscal Decentralization: What is the Role of Geography?” with Jorge Martinez-Vasquez and Bauyrzhan Yedgenov. Journal of Economic Geography Vol. 17, Issue 6 (2017)

[19] “On the determinants of changes in wage inequality in Urban Bolivia” with Fernando Rios-Avila. Journal of Human Development Capabilities Vol.18, issue 4 (2017)

[18] “Non-parametric analysis of poverty duration using repeated cross-section: an application for Peru” with Marcos Robles. Applied Economics Vol. 49, Issue 22 (2017)

[17] “Does Financial Development Promote Innovation in Developing Economies? An Empirical Analysis” with Maria Aristizabal-Ramirez and Maria Botero-Franco. Review of Development Economics Vol. 21, Issue 3 (2017)

[16] “Intellectual property rights, foreign direct investment, and economic freedom” with Antonio Saravia and Fernando Rios-Avila. Global Economy Journal Vol. 13, Issue 1 (2017)

[15] "The effect of intimate partner violence on labor market decisions: Evidence from a multi-ethnic country" with Fernando Rios-Avila. International Journal of Social Economics Vol. 44, Issue 1, (2017)

[14] "Informality and Mobility in the Labor Market: An Analysis based on Repeated Cross-Sectional Household Survey Data" with Joaquin Urrego and Fabiola Saavedra. Latin American Journal of Economic Development Nº 27 (2017)

[13] “On the Effects of Commodities Prices on Sustainable Development: An Opportunity?” with Maria Aristizabal-Ramirez. Advances in Sustainability and Environmental Justice Vol 18 (2016)

[12] "Why Aid is Unpredictable: An empirical Analysis of the Gap between Actual and Planned Aid Flows" with Peter Nunnenkamp and Eric Neumayer. Journal of International Development Vol. 27, Issue 4 (2015)

[11] "Implications of heterogeneous impacts of protected areas on deforestation and poverty" with Merlin Hanauer. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Vol. 370, Issue 1681 (2015)

[10] “Revisiting the effects of innovation on growth: A threshold Analysis” with Maria Aristizabal-Ramirez and Fernando Rios-Avila. Applied Economics Letters Vol. 22 , Issue 18 (2015)

[9] “Higher education expansion and their effects on enrollment and migration: The Colombian Case” with Monica Ospina Londoño, Santiago Bohorquez, and Daniel Cuartas. Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad. Vol. 75, Issue 1 (2015).

[8] "Transfers and Property Tax in Mexico" with Nicolas Zuñiga Espinoza. EconomiaUnam Vol.12 Issue 35 (2105)

[7] "More strictly protected areas are not necessarily more protective: evidence from Bolivia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, and Thailand" with Paul J. Ferraro, Daniela A. Miteva, Merlin Hanauer, Subhrendu K. Pattanayak and Katharine R. E. Sims. Environmental Research Letters Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2013)

[6] "Estimating the Impacts of Protected Areas on Poverty in Bolivia" with Merlin Hanauer. World Development Vol.41 (2013)

[5] "Financial Development and the Distribution of Income in Latin America and the Caribbean" with Felix Rioja. Well Being and Social Welfare Vol. 5 Num. 1 (2009)

[4] "Unemployment Duration and Labor Mobility in Argentina: a socioeconomic-based pre- and post-crisis analysis" with Luis Lima. Latin American Journal of Economic Development Nº 12 (2009)

[3] "The Impact of Migration on Foreign Trade in Bolivia" with Laura Ehrlich. Latin- American Journal of Economic Development. Number 6 (2006)

[2] "Assessing the Allocation of Aid: Developmental Concerns and the Self-Interest Donors" with Peter Nunnenkamp, Rainer Thiele y Luis Triveño. Indian Economic Journal Vol. 54, Issue 1 (2006)

[1] "The Impact of Public Investment on Poverty Reduction in Bolivia, a Counterfactual Micro-simulation Analysis" (in Spanish). Thesis to obtain "Licenciatura en Economia. UCB. (2002). Published in Latin-American Journal of Economic Development. Volume 1 (2003)

Non-Refereed Journal Articles

[3] "Trade Strengthens Ties between China and Latin America" with Stephen Kay. EconSouth, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Vol. 13, Issue 2 (2011).

[2] "Unemployment Duration in Bolivia: Do the Schooling and Socio-demographic Factors Affect?" (In Spanish) with Fernando Landa. Revista de Análisis Económico No 21 UDAPE (2006).

[1] "Poverty Profiles and Probability of Poverty" Revista Estadísticas y Análisis Nº 2 INE (2003).

Books and Reports

[7] "The Gradual Rise and Rapid Decline of the Middle Class in Latin America and the Caribbean" with Carolina Diaz-Bonilla, Laura Moreno Herrera, Giselle Del Carmen, Diana Sanchez Castro, Karen Barreto Herrera, Hernan Winkler, Flavia Sacco Capurro, and Pamela Gunio. The World Bank (2021)

[6] "Living Conditions in Grenada: Poverty and Equity Update" with Halim Brizan, Flavia Sacco, Wilson Jimenez and Luis Recalde. The World Bank (2021)

[5] "Gender Overview in Paraguay: Gaps and Barriers for Women (In Spanish) (In Spanish)"" with Gabriel Jara, Miriam Muller and Flavia Sacco. The World Bank (2021).

[4] "How to boost the reduction of poverty and inequality in Bolivia? Opportunities to eliminate sources of vulnerability and build resilience (Spanish)" with Ronal Cueva, Maria Davalos and Javier Romero. The World Bank (2020)

[3] "How to accelerate economic growth and support the middle class in Bolivia" (In Spanish) with Javier Beverinotti and Nelson Chacon. Inter-American Development Bank (2020)

[2] "Macroeconomic Policy, External Shocks and Social Protection System effects on Poverty, Inequality, and Social Vulnerability in Bolivia: A CGE analysis" (In Spanish) with Mirna Mariscal. UDAPE Editors. (2010)

[1] "Poverty and Inequality on Bolivian Municipalities: Household Consumption Estimation, Combining Census 2001 and Household Surveys" (In Spanish) with Wilson Jiménez and Susana Lizárraga. INE – UDAPE-World Bank Editors (2003) Reprinted in 2004 and 2006.

Chapter in Books

[5] "Fiscal Surf and Turf: Perus efficiency and equity in revenue mobilization" with Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Cristian Sepulveda. In "Decentralizing Revenue in Latin America: Why and How" Edited by Vicente Fretes Cibilis and Teresa Ter- Minassian. Inter-American Development Bank. (2015).

[4] Chapter "Bolivia" with Mirna Mariscal. In "Economic Vulnerability, social protection, and poverty in Latin America". Edited by Sanchez and Sauma. FLACSO -UNDESA. (Spanish) (2011).

[3] "Financial Crisis and its impact on the productive sector in Bolivia" (in Spanish) With Katherina Capra in "The debate on development and international integration" by Elizabeth Jimenez and Alfredo Seoane (editors) published by the Universidad Mayor de San Andres - La Paz Bolivia. (2009).

[2] "Policies to Reach the Millennium Development Goals in Bolivia: Cost and Financing Scenarios based on a CGE model" with Wilson Jimenez and Mirna Mariscal UNDP-UDAPE. In "Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Latin America". Edited by Vos, Ganuza, Lofgren, Sanchez and Diaz-Bonilla. Ubqar editors (Spanish) (2008). Palgrave (English) (2010).

[1] "The Impact of Migration on Foreign Trade: A Developing Country Approach" with Laura Ehrlich. In "Migrants and Markets: Perspectives from economics and the other social sciences". Edited by Holger Kolb and Henrik Egbert. Amsterdam University Press (2008).

Policy Reports

"Urban Labor Markets and Skills in Bolivia, a diagnostic" (Manuscript available upon request ). World Bank (2009).

"Impact of Hydrocarbon Price Increases, a vision from the perspective of MECOVI household surveys" with Juan Carlos Requena (Document prepared by The World Bank - PSIA) (Manuscript available upon request). (2004).

"Social Expenditure and its Relation to Poverty and Equity in Bolivia" with Juan Carlos Requena. World Bank Working Paper 74308. Washington DC. (2004).

"Bolivia: Poverty, Income and Expenses 1999-2000-2001". INE (2002) (Manuscript available upon request).

"Describing Bolivian labor Market: 1999-2000-2001". INE (2002) (Manuscript available upon request).