Work in Progress (Selection)

"Estimating Quantile Regressions with Multiple Fixed Effects through Method of Moments" with Leonardo Siles and Fernando Rios-Avila

"Enhancing Crime Prediction in the Tropics: Leveraging Emergency Phone Calls through Mahalanobis Distance" with Andres Perez-Coronado and Henry Laniado

"Efficiency in Poverty Reduction: A State-Level Analysis for Bolivia" with Javier Beverinotti and Alejandro Puerta

"Unlocking Economic Potential: The Power of Children's Education in Enhancing Female Labor Force Participation" with Gunnar Poppe Yañez

"Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: Unleashing Economic Potential through Youth Employment in Bolivia" with Vincenzo di Maro and Fernando Landa

 "The Effects of Better Management Practices on Effective Tax Rates: Evidence from Ecuador" with Javier Beverinotti, Maria Cecilia Deza and Lyliana Gayoso

"Penny wise, pound wiser: Can incentives work at subnational level?" with Kenyi Cansino and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez

"Unraveling the Link Between Television and Fertility Rates in Post-WWII America" with Javier Romero Haaker and Fernando Rios-Avila

"Civil conflict reduced the impact of Colombia’s protected areas" with Merlin Hanauer

Working Papers

"Beyond the Usual: Understanding the Multidimensional Nature of Job Quality in Bolivia's Labor Market" with Ronald Cueva and María Dávalos. World Bank Research Working Paper 10702  (2024) Revise and Resubmit 

 "Household Vulnerability and Preparedness for Disasters in Haiti" with Naraya Carrasco, Marlen Cardona Botero and Olive Nsababera. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 10699 (2024) Revise and Resubmit 

"Digitalization and Employment Gender Gaps During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean"  with Yuanchen Yang, Manuk Ghazanchyan and Silvia Granados-Ibarra. IMF Working Paper 24/12 (2024) Revise and Resubmit 

 "Medium and Long Run Economic Assimilation of Venezuelan Migrants to Peru" with Javier Beverinotti and Javier Torres. IDB Working Paper 1561 (2024)

"The Effects of Management Practices on Effective Tax Rates: Evidence from Ecuador" with Javier Beverinotti, Maria Cecilia Deza and Lyliana Gayosso de Ervin. IDB  Working Paper 01224 (2021).

"Understanding the Growth of the Middle Class in Bolivia" with Javier Beverinotti and Alejandro Puerta. IDB Working Papers 01216 (2021)

“Moving Citizens and Deterring Criminals: Innovation in Public Transport Facilities” with Juan Carlos Duque and Joaquin Urrego. CAF Working paper Nº 15 (2016).

“Income Inequality in Bolivia, Colombia, and Ecuador: Different Reasons” with Maria Aristizabal-Ramirez and Michael Jetter, (2015).

"Taxation and Economic Growth in Latin America" with Violeta Vulovic and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez. IDB Working Paper 431. (2013)

"Subnational Revenue Mobilization in Peru" with Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Cristian Sepulveda. Inter-American Development Bank Working Paper IDB-WP-299, (2012).

"Targeting Aid to the Needy and Deserving" with Peter Nunnenkamp and Luis Triveño Kiel Institute for World Economics. Kiel Working Paper No. 1229, (2005).